Fundraising & Program Impact

Fundraising Strategy

We help you develop effective fundraising strategies, write compelling proposals, and cultivate relationships with donors and sponsors.

Program Design

We work with you to develop innovative programs, and evaluate your impact, ensuring your efforts are making a difference in their communities.

Community Organization Development

Board Governance & Leadership

We provide training and support to your board, helping you to build strong and effective leadership teams and create a culture of transparency and accountability.

Succession Planning

We help you develop effective succession plans and recruit talented leaders with the skills, experience, and passion to advance your mission.

Corporate Giving & Volunteerism

Program Design

We work with you to create a giving and volunteerism program that aligns with your corporate values and goals, engage employees, and has a measurable impact on the communities you serve.

Employee Engagement

We help you develop strategies to engage your employees in your giving and volunteerism programs, from volunteer opportunities to paid time off to team-building activities and employee giving campaigns.

Recent Engagements

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